Closed circle

  • mediumskap, medial och andlig utveckling kungsbacka onsala
    Closed circle,  Courses & Workshops

    Development circle for beginners with Magnhild Grönlund

    A beginners circle in personal and spiritual development with Magnhild Grönlund. Are you curious about mediumship, healing, tarot and things associated with spiritual development? Do you want to learn how to meditate and discover more about yourself? This circle will give you the tools to get to know your personal gifts, different ways of mediumship as well as meditation. We will start the 1st of September at Finnagården in Onsala, and there will be a total of 10 training sessions on thursdays. Time: 18.30 -21.00 Cost: 2500 SEK Intrested? Contact Caroline at Union of Hearts. Tel. 0708899104 or use the below contact form. Welcome!

  • Closed circle,  Courses & Workshops

    Development circle with Dean Kenyon

    A devlopment circle with Dean Kenyon for you who already explored mediumship, and want to take it to the next level and work with private sessions or platform mediumship. You will learn the difference between certain energies and spiritual contact, and the most common problems that you can run into. You will develop your senses and train those you use the least through different techniques. Dean will also give you his view on how he thinks that evidence should be given out to a sitter or an audience, and the importance of providing accurate and valid evidence from near and dear. He will also go through morality and ethics that you need to take with you when you meet clients.…